Tuesday, June 7, 2011

faith without the existence of structures ( the church or any group) is it possible?

anne rice, the writer of the interview with the vampire, was once a Christian. She decided to write a book about Jesus Christ and after ten years...this is what she has concluded...she will leave Christianity behind and just remain believing in Jesus...is that possible? for her case yes, she is a proclaimed atheist. who believes in Jesus..and no longer believes that she needs to attend every SundaY (mass, testimonials. other church proceedings)...perhaps because she wants to get out of the prejudice that is existing with protestant churches nowadays.

one existing prejudice: they cannot accept gays and lesbians... but science is now saying that homosexuality can be transferred through the genes, if one member of the family is gay or lesbians chances are that for the next generations other gays and lesbians will be born.
i do not understand. i think that love can exist between 2 males and 2 females and as long as they are not hurting others...physically, financially, emotionally. i believe we have the right to judge them or call them names.

another existing prejudice: protestants (born again, iglesia ni kristo, alagan ni quiboloy, ang dating daan, rise up philippines, rise up korean, victory church, jehovah, seventh day adventist...etc...) they are the Chosen ones by God?
I do not understand this idea. what is the use of preaching and reaching out to others if you already have the mentality that only you are the child of God?  and that you have the right to judge transvestites, prostitutes, alcoholics...and many others.
they even require a pastor's recommendation before they will accept you in their schools...they are creating a membership club where you cannot get in.
you cant even get married to a  born again or an iglesia ni kristo if you do not convert to their beliefs and religion---where is freedom and understanding in that way of thinking?
Where is acceptance? I remember Jesus dined with a tax collector, accepted prostitutes, did not judge...

Concept of heaven and hell: accept Jesus, so you can go to heaven and if not you will burn in hell? what if we would remove this concept. there is no reward of heaven,,and there is no hell.
do you honestly think that people would suddenly kill each other? that there is no moral law? are you only doing good things because there is a promise of heaven? the asian award of the year was given to a chinese vegetable dealer who gave all her savings to charitable institutions. She does not buy clothes for herself... is she bad? is she wrong, will she go to hell? because she is not a Christian? will mahatma Gandhi go to hell? are their works useless?
What is the point of salvation if you will completely renounce the world. HOw can you renounce the world if you are living in it.
and if people loved heaven so much, why are they not ready to die and meet their creator?
In the first place can we place human attributes to God---can we fathom God, or is it to label God and diminish God by describing who God is.
what is there is no reward, what if the Bible tells you that you must love Jesus with all of your heart and serve humanity without a reward...no heaven...just death at the end.
what if?  what if there is no Bible...
Sometimes i wish there was no Bible, there would be no debates. Sometimes I wish there are no religions, no difference between Muslims and Christians, no difference from protestant Catholics...just people living in peace, and respecting one another...now if there is a heaven...that kind of heaven i could believe. I dont need a heaven made of gold.. why be have a materialistic heaven?

Martin LUther has chosen to create another faction or group because he thinks that roman catholics already have a routine, a tradition...and he was sick of it...but what is happening right now...actually the church and worship procedures of most protestant churches today are routinary...
the same... the goal of martin luther is lost.. the truth is some churches today would even force you to pay offering...i thought it should be done  with love
I will not even be surprised if this essay will not be published, or if someone reads it and they will kill me...for my thoughts..radical thoughts.

i am wondering if pastors are preaching about appreciating life nowadays...or do they just preach about financial security.
that money will come if you donate in the church
i wonder if people who go to church really know the people they are sitting with...
i wonder if they talk about how beautiful nature is..how to be thankful
or do they just pray for health and jobs...
i dont know...
I just think that even though it is impossible to state what God is...I believe God is so much more,
God is in love for nature, for animals too.
Why cant they just pray for happiness, contentment, peace of mind. The ability to see how beautiful life is...
even without too much money, even without too much TV, celllphones, cars and so on and so forth. And by the way Priests and pastors have a lot of money...

for self discipline
sometimes Confucius and Buddhists way make more sense...
do preachers really know and love people attending the church
or do they just impose? shout what they want to say. force what they want to say? Shout....most of the time,,,shout...
I hate preachers..if only they can practice what they preach...to love...to love and be proud of their own kids, to show love to their own wife...rarely...i rarely see that.

*** by the way i am not claiming that believing In Jesus is wrong.
or that there are not benefits gained from religion, or that there are no good things that happen to people who believe..
all i am saying is that
Life is so much more...if people  do not get stuck in religion and just have faith,
Faith is equivalent to positive thinking
i hate hearing or watching people debate over what is the real church or how to best serve God, i dont even like churches claiming they are the best. the only one,
why dont they just concentrate on Love...
i dont see love in churches nowadays...all i see is people hungry for power and money...
and until that is the case i will criticize it...and not take part in it in anyway
happiness and love is not existing in this churches...and i dont think that Jesus aimed to give out that kind of message...
i do not think that it is necessary to judge, to debate, to criticize, to force people to go to church if they do not want to.
there are other ways of worship...like seeing nature, taking care of nature. Loving people. even animals..respect....respect for the opinions of others...respect-----
Jesus is the Church right....not the structure. not the money offerings, not the fancy churches or fancy people in Church...where is Jesus...i dont see them in church people nowadays...

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