Monday, June 6, 2011

how my pet mirmo taught me how to live

How my cat Mirmo taught me how to live:
I have been through a lot this past months, I finally decided to change the direction of my life and leave the past behind.  The funny thing is that it took my cat Mirmo to make me realize that I can do it.
By embracing the silence and seeing the good and the marvelous each day. I have often observed Mirmo staring in the window of my apartment, basking in the sun. I just stopped and stare at him, sitting there peacefully; cats seem to be so in control of their situation.
Cats are zen masters…that is what I have realized. They exude this inner peace within them, and even if this peace gets disturbed at time due to competition and the mating season, cats and other animals always seen to find the will to let go of the anger.
After a huge quarrel with neighbor cats, Mirmo can easily let go of it and enjoy his meal.
You see, I have learned so many things about what I need to do about my life through Mirmo’s eyes.
To never fear-because I am in control, to never doubt that I would have everything that I need to survive. With cats there is no resistance, no complaining. Like Mirmo I have let go of anger and to enjoy every morsel, every bite of the food that is in front of me.
Cats are not burdened with over thinking- animals are connected to energy and the abundance of it. They understand nature, they trust…they accept life and are one.
You see Mirmo knows how to live in the present time. I don’t think cats ever remember the past or harbor resentments. Neither do they plan for the future- they just exist.
 They just live, sleep and they never forget to play and enjoy.
Mirmo makes me smile every day, seeing Mirmo makes me believe in myself again. You see we are all interconnected and by embracing the silence together with him as we stare at the window I have found peace and courage to face life again---truly alive.

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